Danish Adventures

Many people claim that they love to travel, and I know it’s a pretty cliche statement…. but what can I say?  I LOVE TO TRAVEL.  With a Marine as a father and a wild, spontaneous mother, I was born into a family of adventure.  I have been fortunate enough to not only visit magnificent destinations across the globe, but also experience the real-life cultures as a resident.  When I was in middle school, I lived in Okinawa, Japan…I mean, what kind of kid wouldn’t want a life on a tropical island, filled with day trips and weekends of scuba diving and beach combing?  I have been blessed and very fortunate to have had such amazing experiences so early in life.

Needless to say, as a college student at a top notch university for study abroad, I couldn’t deny the opportunity to explore some place new.  Deciding where to go, however, proved to be a much more difficult process.  Hmmm…Europe.  I have never been to Europe, and I knew I would fall in love with the variation in people, the painless traveling, and the array of delicious cuisine.  To narrow down further, I had to consider which host universities would best accommodate my major – biochemistry.  Not many biochemistry majors at Elon study abroad.  In fact, I can’t even name one person I know of who has ventured to the realm of full Fall or Spring semester study abroad.  With that said, I had no one to refer to when making plans to study abroad.  In fact, I almost came to terms and decided that studying abroad for a semester just wasn’t ideal for the challenging biochemistry major.  But as Spring semester junior year rolled around, I declared that I was going to do it, no matter what it took, and that was final.  My options as a science major were limited, but when I discovered the DIS program (Danish Institute for Study Abroad) in Copenhagen, I knew that’s where I would be in Fall 2012.  Here I come Denmark.  Let the adventures begin!  Click here to follow my Danish Adventures blog.