Posts made in August, 2012

And All the Queen’s Horses

Posted by on Aug 29, 2012 in Danish Adventures | 7 comments

And All the Queen’s Horses

Class ended around 11:30 am yesterday, and I had time to kill until my final class at 3:30 pm.  I decided to wander to the “Black Diamond” (also known as the Royal Library).  On my way there, it began to rain, and of course I wasn’t prepared and was left without a raincoat or umbrella.  (As a side note, I should probably always have some sort of rain gear with me at all times while in Denmark….you just never know when it might rain!)  To avoid getting completely soaked, I took an alternative route through the vast hallways skirting the Christiansborg Palace.  The...

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Happy Birthday Casper!

Posted by on Aug 23, 2012 in Danish Adventures | 3 comments

Happy Birthday Casper!

Yesterday morning I awoke to this beautiful breakfast display in honor of Casper’s birthday!  Casper, my host brother, just turned twelve years old.  Jesper, Birgette, Christina, and I tiptoed up the stairs to his sporty bedroom, and woke him up with a round of Happy Birthday (in English).  While we enjoyed sweet Wienerbrød (Danish pastry) and freshly baked rolls with cheese, vegetables, or nutella, Casper opened a couple of his birthday gifts, excited to receive a ticket to a table tennis tournament, his favorite team’s jersey, and a new sports bag among other great...

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Danish Soccer Tricks

Posted by on Aug 23, 2012 in Danish Adventures Gallery | 0 comments

Danish Soccer Tricks

Soccer Tricks in the City

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Christiansborg Palace Frederik V statue

Posted by on Aug 23, 2012 in Danish Adventures Gallery | 0 comments

Christiansborg Palace Frederik V statue

Christiansborg Palace Frederik V statue

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Pirate Ship

Posted by on Aug 22, 2012 in Danish Adventures Gallery | 0 comments

Pirate Ship

Spotted a pirate ship on the taxi boat ride.

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