Danish Adventures

Follow my study abroad experience here, as I record my everyday adventures.

Laughs, Love, and Pasta: Sister Adventures in København and Italia

Posted by on Mar 30, 2013 in Danish Adventures, Danish Adventures Gallery | 0 comments

Laughs, Love, and Pasta: Sister Adventures in København and Italia

Ode to My Final Adventures in Copenhagen…It’s been a couple months since my adventurous semester abroad came to an end, but I would like to share with you those last memories. —————————— Oh dreadful and stressful week of finals…completed with a bam!  Dierdra, my most spectacular younger sister, traveled to Copenhagen and arrived on the day of my last and final exam for DIS.  My host mom and I greeted her bright and early at the airport, and we were pleasantly surprised by the additional company of Richie and his...

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A Hyggeligt Thanksgiving: Sharing Thanks with Friends and Host Family

Posted by on Dec 2, 2012 in Danish Adventures, Danish Adventures Gallery | 1 comment

A Hyggeligt Thanksgiving: Sharing Thanks with Friends and Host Family

  It’s that time of year again.  The days are getting extremely shorter.  And I mean that literally.  I get out of class at 5:30 pm some days, it’s practically pitch black.  I walk around Copenhagen adoring the lights and festive air, and it feels like it’s about 9 pm…when it’s actually 4 pm.  Let’s just say, I’ve been taking a lot of Vitamin D supplements for the lack of sunshine.  But, despite this slightly gloomy and dark weather here in Copenhagen, the bright and cozy attitude makes up for it one hundred times over again.  Practically...

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Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Come to… København

Posted by on Nov 25, 2012 in Danish Adventures, Danish Adventures Gallery | 4 comments

Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Come to… København

It’s a funny feeling when you have visitors in a place in which you’re technically a visitor yourself.  But, honestly, I felt like Copenhagen was “my city” when my parents came to visit me during my last travel break.  Prior to making the tour de Copenhagen with me, they hopped around Ireland for a couple days, exploring its beautiful landscapes and ruined castles.  They even had the opportunity to meet a real Irish sheep farmer and a couple “smarter than you’d expect” border collies.  (As a side note: we REALLY REALLY REALLY need border collies...

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Little Miss Bri in Frankfurt and Paris (Pah-ree)

Posted by on Oct 11, 2012 in Danish Adventures, Danish Adventures Gallery | 3 comments

Little Miss Bri in Frankfurt and Paris (Pah-ree)

“We must go beyond textbooks, go out into the bypaths and untrodden depths of the wilderness and travel and explore and tell the world the glories of our journey.”  -John Hope Franklin “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.  So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain Yeah these quotes sound wonderful, and I can attest to their accuracy!  True exploration and education occurs through acting...

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TEDxCopenhagen – Truly an Experience of Movement

Posted by on Sep 20, 2012 in Danish Adventures, Danish Adventures Gallery | 1 comment

TEDxCopenhagen – Truly an Experience of Movement

I never thought I’d get the chance to say that I WORKED at an official TEDxCopenhagen event.  But yesterday, I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity and honor to do so. I’m in this class called “Creative Industries” that explores the role of creativity in the experience economy.  How can we generate a memorable experience for consumers?  How does Starbucks make a simple place to buy coffee into a place where people want to hang out with friends, listen to music, and linger in the smell of freshly brewed beans?  Anyway, that’s what we discuss in...

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Vikings, Handball, Trampolines!

Posted by on Sep 16, 2012 in Danish Adventures, Danish Adventures Gallery | 4 comments

Vikings, Handball, Trampolines!

It’s been so long since I’ve written anything because my life has been full of so many new adventures!  …Some more academic than others, but interesting for sure… But, I pinky promise I will not wait so long to share them with you next time.  So for now, bear with me and my proceeding novel.  Let me break it down for you. 1. Short Study Tour to Northern Denmark (September 3-5) DIS is such a unique program in that the curriculum incorporates academic excursions to different areas of Europe.  Last week, my core course class (Medical Practice and Policy) traveled to...

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