Danish Adventures

Follow my study abroad experience here, as I record my everyday adventures.

And All the Queen’s Horses

Posted by on Aug 29, 2012 in Danish Adventures | 7 comments

And All the Queen’s Horses

Class ended around 11:30 am yesterday, and I had time to kill until my final class at 3:30 pm.  I decided to wander to the “Black Diamond” (also known as the Royal Library).  On my way there, it began to rain, and of course I wasn’t prepared and was left without a raincoat or umbrella.  (As a side note, I should probably always have some sort of rain gear with me at all times while in Denmark….you just never know when it might rain!)  To avoid getting completely soaked, I took an alternative route through the vast hallways skirting the Christiansborg Palace.  The...

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Happy Birthday Casper!

Posted by on Aug 23, 2012 in Danish Adventures | 3 comments

Happy Birthday Casper!

Yesterday morning I awoke to this beautiful breakfast display in honor of Casper’s birthday!  Casper, my host brother, just turned twelve years old.  Jesper, Birgette, Christina, and I tiptoed up the stairs to his sporty bedroom, and woke him up with a round of Happy Birthday (in English).  While we enjoyed sweet Wienerbrød (Danish pastry) and freshly baked rolls with cheese, vegetables, or nutella, Casper opened a couple of his birthday gifts, excited to receive a ticket to a table tennis tournament, his favorite team’s jersey, and a new sports bag among other great...

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A First Impression: Where’s Waldo in København?

Posted by on Aug 20, 2012 in Danish Adventures, Travel | 3 comments

A First Impression: Where’s Waldo in København?

It’s been almost two days since arriving in Denmark, and I have experienced so much.  First off, my flight from Knoxville to Newark and then to Toronto and finally Copenhagen (phew!) was an exhausting success.  I left the US August 18 and landed in Copenhagen August 19, and sleep wasn’t really on the agenda, so although my body felt sluggish and sleepy, I was extremely excited to be in this new place.  My host family met up with me at the Hilton Hotel at the airport (minus the daughter Christina because she was gone for a weekend of handball tournaments), and their optimistic...

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What a lovely surprise: My Danish Family

Posted by on Aug 8, 2012 in Danish Adventures | 5 comments

What a lovely surprise: My Danish Family

Things have been super busy for me as I have prepared for the Dental Admissions Test (which I took yesterday and it was a success!), packed for my volunteer medical brigade to Honduras, and worked on finalizing everything for Denmark! I’m actually at the airport about to fly out to Honduras, spending that oh so lengthy layover posting my most recent and exciting news. Just a couple days ago, I received an email from my Danish mom, Birgette. She was so excited to describe the family: herself, her husband Jesper, and the kids, Christina and Casper. They sound like such a lovely...

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Don’t forget your 2×2’s

Posted by on Jul 28, 2012 in Danish Adventures | 0 comments

Don’t forget your 2×2’s

And the countdown begins!  Tomorrow morning marks the three week countdown to an adventure filled with new people, foods, and ideas.  I will soon fly out to Denmark to spend Fall semester studying at DIS (Danish Institute for Study Abroad).  Of course prior to my departure, I have an unending list of documents to print, clothes to buy, and loose ends to tie.  My current objectives include… rent a bike (figure out what size I need first, of course)….and do I know which helmet size to order? order my PicCell phone (It took me a several rounds of research and pondering to decide...

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