Posts by bribailey

From the Eyes of the Farm: Welcome to the Farm Life

Posted by on Jul 7, 2013 in The Farm Life | 0 comments

From the Eyes of the Farm: Welcome to the Farm Life

This is the Life…the Farm Life Hello my fellow human friends.  My name is Kali, and I am the fortunate overseer of the majestic and rich Bailey Farm.  Nothing, and I really mean nothing, is better than treading over the land, paws sinking within the first few layers of young grass and clay soil, smelling the fresh, crisp air, tracking the wild bunnies and squirrels.  This is my life, and I love it.  Yes, this is the dog’s life. I believe I shall begin with the introduction of the farm family.  My humans are so kind and generous, and I love them.  I am their protector, and...

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Spicy Curriliscious Shrimp and Veggies

Posted by on May 17, 2013 in Recipes | 0 comments

Spicy Curriliscious Shrimp and Veggies

I’m sitting here in my apartment knowing that I need to study for my final exams….but procrastination is one of those all too attractive (and comfortable) stages of studying, and I just can’t get myself to move on from it.  I decided that it’s okay to put off my note-reading for just a little longer if I’m doing something healthy and productive in its place.  I can’t procrastinate on a rumbling tummy!  And I haven’t really experimented with creative cooking in quite some time.  So here it goes, I’m going to make a scrumptious dinner, and it...

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Laughs, Love, and Pasta: Sister Adventures in København and Italia

Posted by on Mar 30, 2013 in Danish Adventures, Danish Adventures Gallery | 0 comments

Laughs, Love, and Pasta: Sister Adventures in København and Italia

Ode to My Final Adventures in Copenhagen…It’s been a couple months since my adventurous semester abroad came to an end, but I would like to share with you those last memories. —————————— Oh dreadful and stressful week of finals…completed with a bam!  Dierdra, my most spectacular younger sister, traveled to Copenhagen and arrived on the day of my last and final exam for DIS.  My host mom and I greeted her bright and early at the airport, and we were pleasantly surprised by the additional company of Richie and his...

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A Hyggeligt Thanksgiving: Sharing Thanks with Friends and Host Family

Posted by on Dec 2, 2012 in Danish Adventures, Danish Adventures Gallery | 1 comment

A Hyggeligt Thanksgiving: Sharing Thanks with Friends and Host Family

  It’s that time of year again.  The days are getting extremely shorter.  And I mean that literally.  I get out of class at 5:30 pm some days, it’s practically pitch black.  I walk around Copenhagen adoring the lights and festive air, and it feels like it’s about 9 pm…when it’s actually 4 pm.  Let’s just say, I’ve been taking a lot of Vitamin D supplements for the lack of sunshine.  But, despite this slightly gloomy and dark weather here in Copenhagen, the bright and cozy attitude makes up for it one hundred times over again.  Practically...

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Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Come to… København

Posted by on Nov 25, 2012 in Danish Adventures, Danish Adventures Gallery | 4 comments

Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Come to… København

It’s a funny feeling when you have visitors in a place in which you’re technically a visitor yourself.  But, honestly, I felt like Copenhagen was “my city” when my parents came to visit me during my last travel break.  Prior to making the tour de Copenhagen with me, they hopped around Ireland for a couple days, exploring its beautiful landscapes and ruined castles.  They even had the opportunity to meet a real Irish sheep farmer and a couple “smarter than you’d expect” border collies.  (As a side note: we REALLY REALLY REALLY need border collies...

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